Got Long Covid?

If you have symptoms of Long Covid (e.g. brain fog, weakness, etc.), there is much research that supports the benefit antihistamines and Lactoferrin daily. Start with Benedryl daily for 7 days and then switch to a non-drowsy antihistamine (Zyrtec or Claritin).

In addition to the above protocol, you may benefit from this is a protocol that a doctor who treats Covid patients who experience chronic fatigue recommends:

    • Magnesium malate 1000 mg, 150 mg El. Three daily.

    • B-100 complex vitamin daily

    • Zinc gluconate 15 to 30 mg daily

    • Acetyl-L-carnitine 0.5 to 2 g twice daily (can increase to 2 g three times daily if needed for severe cases)

    • Fish oil (EPA/DHA) 2 g daily

    • Co-Q 10, 100 to 200 mg daily

My son takes L-Carnitine daily and it likely helped save his life. It is essential for proper mitochondrial function and can be depleted with energy disorders (which my son has genetically and I suspect Covid creates infectiously)

Other interesting studies about magnesium and Covid:,essential%20to%20support%20full%20recovery.


Stefanie Billette